
Attendance and Punctuality

Ensuring good attendance to school is paramount in helping students to achieve their potential and supporting good overall wellbeing.  Getting students to school on time every day is the single most important action families can take to ensure the best possible education for their child.  

If your child is ill, please notify the school on the first day using our 24 hour answer machine service (01494 867843) or email including an estimation of the likely length of absence (01494 867843).   Please send in a written note with their child on the first day of return.   This is needed for our records and also authenticates the telephone message.

The Misbourne has high expectations regarding punctuality to school and lessons as well as a high attendance rate overall. Morning registration begins at 08:40 and there is a earlier bell at 08:35 to remind students to be prompt to their school line up, which takes place on either the Tennis Courts or the playground.  Some students may use specialist buses, but those using public transport need to ensure that they use an earlier bus to ensure that they are prompt for morning line up.  Students who are late without a valid reason will receive a sanction.

Regular attendance at school is vital.  Without it the learning process becomes fragmented and unsatisfactory; put simply; absence means missed learning.  It is also a legal requirement that pupils of a compulsory school age receive full time education and this, with the exception of those educated at home or elsewhere, means regular attendance at school.  The vast majority of our students achieve 100% attendance and this is what we expect from all our students. 96% is our minimum standard for attendance.

Attendance matters 2


We work closely with the Educational Welfare Officer (EWO) to monitor student attendance and to identify interventions to help individual students and families attend school as regularly as possible.

We will communicate frequently with parents if students are at risk of falling below our attendance target.  We believe that by working together we can ensure that no student needlessly misses out on an opportunity to learn and develop.

In extreme events, involvement of the EWO may result in fines being issued.

We advise you to contact the school at an early stage about any concerns they have about your child’s attitude and attendance to school.

Requests for holiday during term time

Missing school for any reason is likely to deprive a child of educational opportunities and hamper their progress at school.  Holidays are not permitted within term time and time off will only be granted for exceptional reasons.  Therefore, leave will only be granted at the discretion of the Headteacher in exceptional circumstances.

Below is some advice for school attendance if your child reports he/she is sick;

High temperature

If your child has a raised temperature – anything over 37.5ºC – they should stay off school.

When can they go back to school?

When the temperature returns to normal, then it’s fine for your child to go back to school as long as they do not have any other symptoms.


Lots of things can cause mild headaches, from tiredness to eye-strain.  If your child has a headache that persists or is severe though, you should always consult your GP.

When can they go back to school?

Your child does not need to miss school because of a mild headache.  If it is a recurring problem or is accompanied by other symptoms, consult your GP.

Vomiting and diarrhoea

If your child is feeling queasy or has tummy ache, but this passes, you can send them to school.  You should, however, flag up any concerns with the Attendance Officer.

If your child actually vomits, you’ll need to keep them off school for at least 24 hours, even if they appear to feel better.  The same is true for an episode of diarrhoea.  Most cases of vomiting or diarrhoea pass with rest and rehydration, but if your child seems very unwell, contact your GP.

When can they go back to school?

Your child should not return to school until 24 hours have passed without any vomiting or diarrhoea. (In some schools this period is longer, so it is best to check with the school office.)

Cough, minor cold or sore throat

If your child has a cough or a sore throat but no other symptoms, then they are probably fine to go to school.  


Children can get rashes for all sorts of innocent reasons, from heat rash to a change of washing powder, but they can also be a symptom of a more serious problem like measles or chicken pox.

If you are in any doubt, or the rash is accompanied by your child feeling rundown, hot or nauseous, keep them off school and see your GP.

When can they go back to school?

It is best to get your GP’s guidance here. With chickenpox, the spots may take a couple of weeks to disappear, but your child is fine to go back to school once the spots have crusted over and dried up completely. This tends to be around one week after the first spots appear, but it can vary.

Keep in touch with school.  If your child needs to stay at home, call the Attendance Officer as early as you can that day . If the school does not get notification, it will be recorded as an ‘unauthorised absence’.   If your child is very ill or off for some time, the school may request a GP’s letter.

To view the Supporting Students with Medical Needs Policy click here.