Frequently Asked Questions
What are your Admission Numbers?
One hundred and eighty students enter Year 7. They are split into six form groups of 30 students and for timetabling reasons, three form groups are placed in Band A and the other three in Band B.
Which subjects are set?
- Mathematics – Ability setting is in place in mathematics from early on in Year 7 utilising Key Stage 2 data, CATs tests and baseline assessments
- English – Students are taught in mixed ability classes (form groups) in Years 7, 8 and 9 and set in Years 10 &11.
- Science – Is taught in mixed-ability groups (form groups) in Year 7, 8 & 9, and then are grouped in Years 10 & 11 based on whether they are taking combined Science or Triple Science.
- Computing - Is taught in mixed ability classes (form groups) in Years 7 8 and 9 and is an option subject from Year 10 onwards.
- Technology - Years 7, 8 & 9 are taught in half form groups, which are rotated to ensure that all students study Food Preparation and Nutrition as well as Design Technology.
- Geography and History - are taught in form groups in Years 7,8 & 9.
- Modern Foreign Languages - French and Spanish are taught in Year 7 with students opting for either French or Spanish for years 8 and 9.
- Philosophy and Ethics - is taught in mixed-ability groups (form groups).
- PE - Students are put into ability sets from early Year 7 and then taught in these sets going forward. For years 7, 8 and 9 there are four groups: two boys' and two girls'.
Which languages do you offer?
Students study both French and Spanish in Year 7, and then select one language for study in Years 8 and 9.
How do students choose their GCSE level subjects?
- We currently offer around 15 different GCSE and other level 2 qualifications.
- In Year 9, we provide a Guided Choices Programme enabling students to choose the subjects that they are interested in and ones which will challenge their abilities. It is followed by an in-depth GCSE guided choices information, advice and guidance programme culminating in a Guided Choices Evening in March of Year 9.
- Students commence their Key Stage 4 courses in Year 10.
- We build the Key Stage 4 options around the subjects our students want to study.
- In exceptional cases, students can study both French and Spanish at GCSE.
How do students choose their A level subjects?
- We have around 23 subjects currently available to study at A Level, Applied Diploma and Cambridge Technical Level 3.
- We have over 200 students in our Sixth Form – an established pathway at this school with many of our Year 11 students staying on the Sixth Form.
- All go onto university, including the Russell Group, training (apprenticeships up to degree level) or employment as a result of working closely together on their career plan.
What careers advice and guidance do you give students?
- We are the Buckinghamshire Lead School for the Careers Hub.
- Our careers provision has been identified as an Area of Excellence by the national Challenge Partners group.
- The Misbourne has embedded careers across the curriculum and has a comprehensive careers programme that runs from Year 7 - Year 13. Details can be found here.
- We are the lead careers school for Buckinghamshire Careers Hub and were one of just three schools to be nominated for the Careers & Enterprise Company's 'Best School' Award.
What food do you offer?
- We offer a comprehensive range of hot and cold food to suit all appetites and dietary preferences.
- Parents load money for lunches via the school’s online payment system ‘Parent Pay’.
- Students use biometric fingertip recognition rather than cash and parents can go online to see food bought and top up lunch money.
Further information about The Misbourne Café can be found here.
What is the current school uniform?
- Our branded uniform items are supplied by Earth Uniform and Marks and Spencer (M&S) plc.
- Our PE kit is available from a local supplier, PL Schoolwear.
- All non-branded uniform items may be purchased from any schoolwear provider, including supermarkets and high street shops.
- All details regarding the uniform and a link to the Earth Uniform, M&S and PL Schoolwear websites can be found here.
What is the catchment area of the school and will it change for next year?
Buckinghamshire County Council decides on the catchment area but we are a school of first choice for all and we have over 40 feeder schools. Refer to the council’s website on their Admissions page and type in your postcode. Click here to view our Admissions Policy and view our catchment area map. To check if The Misbourne is your local secondary school according to Buckinghamshire Council, please use their checker here.
How will my child get to The Misbourne?
Free school transport
Free school transport is organised and administered by Buckinghamshire County Council.
Free home to school transport is available if your child:
- is between 11-16 years old (of statutory school age)
- is attending their nearest suitable school
- lives further away from the school than the statutory walking distances (three miles for those aged eight and older).
Your child may also qualify for free transport to the nearest school if they are unable to walk for any of the following reasons:
- they have Special Educational Needs
- they have a disability or mobility problems
- there is no safe walking route
Full information on free school transport is available on the Buckinghamshire County Council website.
You can check if your child is entitled to free school transport using the Buckinghamshire County Council online tool.
There are also arrangements for families on a low income, information on which can be on the Buckinghamshire County Council website.
Paid for school transport
The Misbourne is served by a number of paid for services. You can check for services in your area on the Buckinghamshire County Council website. Talk to other parents or ask about private buses than run to school.
The Misbourne is also well-served by trains to the local Great Missenden train station, which is a 10-minute walk away from the academy. Direct trains run from Amersham, Aylesbury and Wendover.
My child has special educational needs how will The Misbourne support them?
- We have a dedicated team of specialists who work with families and individuals to support them academically and personally.
- We liaise with your child’s current school to ensure that we have as much information as possible regarding their statement and their needs.
- We will ensure that an appropriate plan is in place and regularly communicate with you so that your child has the best support possible.
Click here to view The Misbourne SEN Policy
What extra-curricular activities do you offer?
As well as the wide range of sports clubs and teams that you would expect, we offer a wide variety of extra-curricular activities. For example, we have thriving Choir, Mizband and an annual school production. We also have a range of curriculum-based clubs and a homework club.
Click on the links below to find out which extra-curricular activities are currently running at The Misbourne:
How do I find out about Free School Meals?
If you believe your child may be eligible for Free School Meals, please contact Mrs Lightfoot or Mrs Griffiths in Student Services via your child's year group email address, eg
More information about Free School Meals is available here.