
Careers Education

Preparation for employment is an integral part of everything we do at The Misbourne. We aim to prepare our students to go on to further or higher education or skilled employment and enable them to make a significant contribution to society.

While qualifications remain very important, with few exceptions, they are no longer the only consideration. We recognise that employability or work-readiness is becoming more and more important when potential employers’ look for people to fill vacancies. 

We arBuckinghamshire hub lead school 002e proud to be a Careers Hub Lead School which involves working with other schools, education providers, the Bucks Skills Hub and employers in Buckinghamshire and providing support to help ensure all students, which ever school they attend, receive excellent careers guidance, education and advice. 

We are at the forefront of careers education provision and were delighted to be one of the first schools to achieve the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks - the guidelines to ensure schools are providing a wholistic careers programme for students.  We have also been pleased to be selected to work with the Careers and Enterprise Company to pilot numerous projects that will be rolled out to schools across the country. 

Our Careers Lead is Mrs Helen Hill: telephone: 01494 862869


Are you an employer looking to work with a school?  Then we are looking for you!

We are keen to work with employers who can pass on the benefit of their skills, experience and expertise.  Many of our careers events require volunteers who are willing to get involved in a variety of activities such as:

  • speak to students in small groups
  • present in assemblies
  • answer questions posed by students (speed networking in small groups)
  • interviewers (virtual or face to face)
  • observers at our group assessment activities
  • work with students on a one to one basis to help edit their draft CVs
  • stall holders at our annual careers fair
  • link with curriculum areas to show how students how their learning in specific subjects can lead in to various careers

The Careers & Enterprise Company

The Careers and Enterprise Company is running a national campaign to encourage employers to Give an Hour.... Make a difference.  Click here to find out more details.

The CEC have published 'The Employer Standards' to help you think about and plan up-front what you want to achieve from working with schools, special schools and colleges, review the quality of your outreach and how it aligns with your business objectives.

If you would like to find out more, or would like to volunteer for an event please contact:

Mrs Helen Hill, Careers Lead:

Labour Market Information

Labour market information (LMI) may help students and their parents understand the job market and find out which careers, different qualifications can lead to.  We strongly advise students to look through the resources below before making GCSE and A Level option choices. 

The Future Of Work 2020-2030 post Covid: Where Are The Job Opportunities For Young People?

Students have been encouraged to complete the careers software that the school subscribes to, by asking a number of questions, the software guides the students to research a variety of suitable careers.  It would be useful if students spent time reviewing the software results with parents to ensure they maximise the benefits.

To view the Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) - that identifies where the most pressing skills shortages are within the local workforce – i.e. the skills employers most need but are struggling to find locally click here.

The National Careers Service provides excellent information about a wider variety of job roles.

Explore your options, develop skills and apply successfully. Learn what to expect from apprenticeships and school leaver programmes, browse apprenticeship vacancies and connect with employers who want to hear from you. Targetapprenticeships

From academic librarian to youth worker: look through graduate job descriptions to find out what each job involves and the qualifications and skills that are most needed: Target Job descriptions

Former Misbourne Students

We are so proud of what our students go on to achieve once they have left The Misbourne.  It's great to hear about the careers that students pursue, not just to celebrate their successes but also to inspire the next generation of students.  Understanding our students' career paths also helps the school ensure that we are offering the right curriculum and careers support going forward. 

If you haven't already done so, it would be great if you were willing to join The Misbourne Alumni on LinkedIn

You will need to make sure that your profile states that you studied at THE MISBOURNE (select, rather than type). This will then show the alumni button on the Misbourne page.  The latest LinkedIn upgrade means that the alumni unfortunately only shows on your PC, not your mobile phone. 

We post the odd update on what's happening at school so that you can keep in touch  and occasionally we ask if ex-students are able to volunteer to help at a careers event. 

Specific Industry Career Advice

Specific industry or professions careers advise can be found on the following websites:

Accountancy / Banking / Finance
Accounting Careers - find out how to become an accountant
ICAEW - info on entry routes, training and opportunities in accountancy
How to get into investment banking' -
Financial Adviser - find out about the exams and qualification routes into the profession - this document also provides information about some local businesses who recruit school leavers and graduates
Future in Finance a platform that connects students with employers in the Financial Services sector. The platform, sponsored by Phoenix Group offers fully safeguarded digital mentoring with young professionals and early careers specialists, career path content and live jobs and opportunities for young people aged 14 – 25.

Careers in Aerospace - a website for young people to explore the opportunities in aerospace

Animal, Land-Based and Environment Jobs
Lantra - info on apprenticeships, college and uni courses and careers
Vetsure - info on how to become a vet
Horseracing industry
Biologist, countryside ranger, police dog handler, ecologist, RSPCA inspector, veterinary physiotherapist 
Prospects provides information on a range of roles
RSPCA provides information about a range of volunteer and paid roles
The School of Veterinary Medicine and Science at the University of Nottingham has launched a website for careers advisers and teachers to help those students interested in a veterinary career.

Armed forces / Uniformed services
Before you sign up - pros and cons of joining the armed forces
Army Careers find out about the roles that are currently available 
RAF Careers – information on the roles currently offered by the
Navy – Find out information about the roles that are available in the navy
Police - Find the best entry route for you

Royal Society of Biology - Biology offers a wide range of career options and opportunities for school-leavers, graduates, postgraduates.

Civil Service
The civil service is divided into departments, which deal with areas such as education, health and defence. Whatever your passion – from the environment to international development, there’s a department or agency to match.

Royal Society of Chemistry.   Bringing chemistry to life – information about the wide range of careers available in Chemistry by relating them to everyday life, great graphics, current topical news and case studies

Computing, technology and digital
From security architect to forensic expert, are plenty of roles to discover. Visit Cyber Security Education to find out more.

Get an overview of the UK’s IT industry here

Construction / Property
Architecture apprenticeships
Go Construct Website showcases the many career opportunities available in the construction and the built environment.
Kickstart your Construction Career | Talentview Construction A website dedicated to apprenticeships, work experience and taster sessions.
Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management We look at the huge range of buildings and places where people work, stay and visit – from offices to stadiums, hospitals to schools, shopping centres to museums – and how FM creates and maintains these physical spaces for the benefit of all their users.
Property Management: Redbrick Property Management: 'How to become a property manager'
Construction Management : Here you’ll find everything you need to know about how to become a construction manager – the skills, experience and qualifications you’ll need as well as what you can expect from the job

Creative Industries 
Discover Creative Careers brings together careers information and opportunities from creative organisations in one explorable directory.
ScreenSkills is the industry-led skills body for the screen industries. They work across the UK to ensure that film, television, VFX (visual effects), animation and games have the skills and talent they need.
My First Job In Film - includes a jobs/internship/work experience board
Pinewood Studios - creative courses and training
Get into Theatre - information on careers in the theatre and how to get in
Eric - Helping young creatives gain experience for their portfolios & CVs - browse thousands of creative internships, bootcamps, events, training schemes, courses & more.
CrewHQ - a dedicated on-site training centre at Warner Bros. Studios Leavesden (WBSL). CrewHQ is designed to support existing crew, create career routes for people of all backgrounds and foster the next generation of Film and TV production talent.
​Into Film is a charity which puts film at the heart of children and young people’s educational, cultural, and personal development. 

Many Creative network and information groups are on Facebook - we recommend you have an account and follow relevant groups:
TV work -
London Film Crew Network -
Costume Networking Group -

Engineering and Maths (STEM)
Future Morph - careers that studying STEM can lead to
Maths Careers - helps you choose your routes to a maths career
Cogent - A-Z of careers in science
Grad Cracker - about careers for STEM graduates
Tomorrow's Engineers. What is engineering? Find out about engineering careers, with advice on study, apprenticeships, careers resources, jobs ... 
The Women's Engineering Society support and inspire women to achieve as engineers, scientists and as leaders; they encourage the education of engineering.
Gradcracker - guide to careers for Science, Engineering and Technology graduates

UCAS - provides information on where economics can take you
Prospects - gives career opportunity advice for economists

Tomorrow's Engineers. We're all about engineering careers, with advice on study, apprenticeships, careers resources, jobs etc.
Prospects information on Aerospace, automobile, biomedical, chemical, civil, environmental.
Neon provides some useful careers resources and an engineering quiz

UCAS English qualifications are useful for many careers, but particularly for working in journalism and publishing, education and training, counselling and social services, marketing sales and advertising, and management. 
Prospects The skills you gain through studying English are marketable in most sectors.

Royal Geographical Society Find out more about the types of jobs and career paths that geographers can enjoy
Prospects The analytical and research skills gained from your geography degree are attractive to a range of employers. 

Health and Social Care
Step into the NHS - information on the wide range of jobs in the NHS
BrigHT Futures @BHT - information about careers in the Buckinghamshire Healthcare Trust
Health Careers - jobs in the health sector
Health Careers You Tube channel
Allied health professions are a family of specialist roles who use their knowledge and skills to help patients live the fullest lives possible.  They work directly with patients, so they can see th difference they make every day. 
Careers in Podiatry- information on entry requirements, course finders, salary expectations and useful blog posts
How to become a GP - MCG Healthcare: 'How to become a GP'
Fertility clinician - How to become a fertility clinician

Prospects A history degree gives you the skills that can take you into a variety of careers from museum and heritage work to teaching or accountancy
UCAS History can be useful in many job families including those linked with law, journalism and publishing, marketing, sales and advertising, arts, crafts and design, broadcast media and performing arts, leisure, sport and tourism, as well as education and training.

Tasty Careers - careers in the food and drink sector
CruiseShipJobs - information on working on cruise ships and job search
CareerScope - information on jobs in hospitality, tourism and leisure

Investment Banking
How to get into investment banking - an insight into what it takes to start in the industry and career job prospects available. It also covers the needed skills, qualifications and experience, and how these can be attained.

All About Law - guide to degrees and careers in Law
LNAT - guide to the test you may have to take to gain entry onto a Law degree
LawCareers - comprehensive guide to becoming a lawyer
Traditionally, work experience for law students has taken place within an actual law firm or barristers chambers. However, some law firms have paved the way for a new kind of virtual work experience for law students to allow them to see what life at a law firm might be like. Find out more from the Lawyer Portal
Intellectual property - How to become an intellectual property analyst
Criminal solicitor - How to become a criminal solicitor
Family lawyer - How to become a family lawyer

UCAS Most jobs and careers will need you to use maths in some way and it's particularly useful in job families like accountancy, banking and finance, management, environmental sciences, construction, engineering and manufacturing, medical technology, and science and research.
Prospects The logical thinking, problem-solving and decision-making skills you learn while studying a mathematics degree are highly valued by employers across many job sectors

Autocity - careers in the motor industry including apprenticeship vacancies

Merchant Navy
Take a look at the opportunities and pathways to careers in the Merchant Navy - Explore the many Careers at Sea

Opportunities in Mi5    
Prospects Language skills can be used in almost any career, and particularly in businesses that trade internationally 
Target Find out about skills you will have gained from studying modern languages, get ideas for jobs you could do and find out about employment rates and popular areas of work for modern languages graduates.

Prospects As a music graduate, composing, performing and teaching are just three of the ways you can develop your music career
Careers in Music - a US website giving information on over 100 music careers

Personal Care
London Beauty Training Academy - how to become a beauty therapist
London Hairdressing Academy - information on becoming a hairdresser

Institute of Physics A Future in physics 

The British Psychological Society 
Prospects A psychology degree is a great starting point for a career in both science and the arts, as it equips you with a range of skills and opens up opportunities with a range of employers

Project Management - APM, the chartered body for the project profession, has created the Careers Hub to help you gauge what skills, qualifications and experience you need in order to make the next step in your career or see how salaries compare to other roles.

Careers in Procurement - information on job roles, qualifications, salary and apprenticeships Science, Technology,

From animal technician to clinical scientist, pharmacist to crime scene investigator, get started here
Life sciences have helped fight Covid: see how scientists deliver healthcare here
Technicians: We Make the Difference shines a light on the hidden careers of technicians.

Careers in Sport - information on careers in the sports industry
So many options beyond Premiership football player! Explore working in the sports Industry here. Look at the British Association of Sport and Exercise Science website and  read their career guide.
Technicians: We Make the Difference shines a light on the hidden careers of technicians. 

Find out how to get into teaching -


Young adults who recall four or more encounters with employers while at school are five times less likely to be NEET and earn on average, 18% more than peers who recall no such activities" 

Dr Anthony Mann, Director of Research and Policy, Education and Employers Task Force.

Careers guidance needs to happen in the classroom, not just in distinct careers activities.   We encourage all curriculum areas to embrace employer led learning, using industry professionals and resources to help deliver curriculum lessons, blending careers ideas with academic learning. There are numerous benefits for our students:

  • TIME:  Employer-led curriculum learning forms part of the planned timetable and doesn’t take pupils away from lessons. 
  • NEW IDEAS:  Opportunity to discuss topics with external professionals who use subjects practically on a daily basis, exchanging ideas and expertise.
  • NEW ANGLES:  Use real life examples to get across concepts students find difficult to grasp.
  • BUILD LONG-TERM RESOURCES:  Develop the relationship into a regular experience.
  • ENRICHMENT:  Add an extra element to deepen curriculum learning.
  • NEW INSPIRATION:  You could be providing the single inspirational moment that changes the direction of a student’s life.

  • MOTIVATION:  Students see that subjects are relevant to the real world – and therefore why it’s important to study them.

Teachers are able to use their own acquaintances or ask Mrs H Hill, Careers Lead: for support finding relevant contacts.

Year 7 Day to Work

The Year 7 Day to Work takes place each year when students accompany their parents or another trusted adult to their place of work for the day to observe and take part in working practices that they would not normally come into contact with at school.

It is a valuable personal development opportunity for our students and an excellent way to introduce the Work Related Learning Curriculum. The Day to Work helps students to realise the value of the skills they are learning in the classroom  as well as appreciate how hard their parents work to support them! 

As part of the day the students are asked to complete a comprehensive handbook recording what they learn during the day and assess whether it will have an impact on their future educational and career aspirations. 

The fundamental aims of the day is to introduce the varied and wide skills base behind working life to students and to boost their confidence in practical and social skills.

To read a report on one student's Day to Work click here.

To view the Year 7 Day to Work Employer Guidelines click here.

To download a copy of the Year 7 Day to Work Handbook click here.

To view the Year 7 Day to Work Frequently Asked Questions sheet click here.

To view the letter to families about the Year 7 Day to Work click here.

Sponsored Degree is a website dedicated to collating UK degree apprenticeship and sponsored degree opportunities. Some or all of your tuition costs covered by a company, usually with work experience included and a guaranteed job when you graduate. 

Please note there are many sites for sponsored degrees and degree apprenticeships including company sites and Not going to Uni.